Setting up the phishing simulations is well worth the few moments it will take to set up to help your team be better prepared for attacks that may come their way.
To begin the process, navigate to your Phishing Sims tab in your Administrator portal and click Set Up Phishing Sims.
Select the email client your team uses to obtain instructions specific to it.
One the setup instructions listed have been done on your mail client as needed to ensure our phishing simulations will land in your inbox and not spam. Simply click on Continue for us to validate the set up.
If you receive a message that the verification failed, please reach out to our Support team so we can get you on track.
To complete the set up, please select the frequency that you want to receive the simulations as well as any additional actions your inbox or third party security tools may take.
Once you have set up your simulations you can adjust their frequency as well we which templates you want us to send. Want to pause them for a bit? Just toggle them off! As you have already set up the simulations with your mail provider, you will not need to do this when you want to turn them back on.
You can also see a breakdown of your team's recent phishing simulations performance, meaning you can quickly identify any users who need to improve their cyber awareness.
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