Within Upfort Shield, you'll find our Cyber University! This comprehensive cybersecurity training program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to stay ahead in today's digital world. We offer a diverse range of courses, each consisting of engaging and interactive modules. These modules are thoughtfully crafted to take 10-15 minutes of time and come in various formats, including video and text-based content. To ensure your understanding, each module concludes with a brief quiz.
We are regularly adding new courses and modules to stay up to date with cybersecurity trends and attack patterns. Our current course offerings include:
Dangers in Your Inbox. Over 90% of system breaches start with improper handling of a malicious email. This course and its modules teach users how to identify danger and handle malicious content in their inbox before it's too late. Modules include:
- Ransomware
- How to Identify Phishing
- What is Phishing?
- Financial Data Cybercrime
- Whaling Attacks
Online Safety. Cybercriminals plant virtual landmines that take advantage of both human and system vulnerabilities. This course and its modules teach users how to recognize and avoid danger online. Modules include:
- Malicious Software 101
- Identifying Danger Online
- Safe Computer Use
- Internet Privacy
- Backups
- Common Attack Vectors
- Job Scams
- State Sponsored Attacks
Incident Preparedness & Response. Human error is the leading cause of a cyber attack. This course and its modules empowers teams to know how to prepare and handle a possible cyber attack. Modules include:
- Cyber Incident Response Preparedness
- Supply Chain Risk
- Remote & Mobile Working
Hardware Security. This course covers the risks associated with hardware that employees may interact with on a regular basis. Modules include:
- Bring Your Own Device
- Removable Media
- Internet of Things 101
Data Privacy. Keeping sensitive data out of the hands of cybercriminals is everyone's job. This course and its modules teaches users how to keep data safe and in-line with certain regulations. Modules include:
- Safe Passwords 101
- Smart Social Media Use
- Handling Sensitive Data
- Insider Threats
- Caution with Data Requests
- Multi-Factor Authentication Basics
- Zero Trust Security Basics
- Identity Theft
- Data Breaches
Financial Data Security. This course teaches how to protect sensitive financial information. It includes:
- PCI Data Security Basics
Healthcare Information Security. This course trains your team to safeguard health information and comply with HIPAA. It includes:
- HIPAA Basics
Data Privacy Regulations. Many states and federal agencies have implemented laws surrounding data privacy. This course and its modules gives users an overview of these regulations. Modules include:
- State Privacy Laws
Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. AI is a growing field with many useful applications. It is also increasingly used in cyberattacks to make emails sound more natural, attacks easier to execute, and aid in giving attacks legitimacy. This course and its modules provides an overview of how artificial intelligence is being utilized and how to keep employees safe. Modules include:
- AI and Phishing
- Safe Data Handling with AI Tools
- Deepfakes
- Artificial Intelligence Basics
Check back regularly, as we are always updating our content to match the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.
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